Friday, July 13, 2012

"Virtual" Tour Stops

Hi kids.  Dan Pfeifer here again, taking a break from our Camp Hollywood preparations to discuss "Virtual" Tour Stops. 

What's a "Virtual" Tour Stop, you ask? 

Well, it's really this simple:  Unfortunately, until human cloning becomes more practical or we can afford that "Holographic Tupac" technology, Miss Heartland Swing can only be in one place at a time.  On the weekend of September 15, Pam has been invited to be a part of two different, wonderful events that are extremely worthwhile and very much worth supporting. 

Pam can't be at either, though, because her only sibling, brother Michael Krajewski, will be getting married to his lovely fiancé, Katya Ouchakof, that day.  Such a large family event rightly trumps anything else, so Pam will stash the sash that weekend. 

Nonetheless, these events are worthwhile, so we've decided to promote them ahead of time much the way we would a regular tour stop — essentially making them "Virtual" Tour Stops, as if they were on equal footing with the other stops that ... you know ... involve us being there. 

Here's what they are: 

Miss Heartland Swing 2012-13 "Virtual" Tour Stops




Cowtown Jamborama 10Omaha, Neb.
Sept. 14-16, 2012
Wisconsin Stars and Stripes Honor Flight
Fall Homecoming #1
Sept. 15, 2012

The tenth-anniversary Jamborama sounds like another wonderful event and we're a little heartbroken that we won't get to add Nebraska to the states we're visiting.  We're looking forward to helping inform others about it, though, and we here at Team Pam are hopeful that we can road trip to the event in one of our post-Miss Heartland years. 

Meanwhile, we know you're all aware how much the Honor Flights mean to us on Team Pam.  Molly Maka is due to give birth to her first child around that time as well gave birth to Henry John Francis Maka on Sept. 12, so we're not quite sure how the 40's Girls experience will be handled, but we encourage all of you who are closer to Milwaukee than to Omaha to come out and show love for some of the bravest men to serve America as they return to the airport that night. 

We've updated the tour schedule accordingly to include these events, and also remind you to check our previous blog entries for details on how you can add your event to the list, "Virtual" or in-person!